Emerging Psychologists' Program

To support the next generation of psychologists, we offer an opportunity for young scientists in psychology from various countries to meet and work together on topics of joint interest.
The program is supported by the Japanese Psychological Association and the Jacobs Foundation (German Children and Youth Foundation).
What is the EPP about?
The aims of the EPP are to help emerging psychologists explore the world of psychology and make progress in their research.
Who is eligible to apply for the EPP?
Those who are working on a PhD thesis or are on a postdoctoral fellowship and want to become leading scholars in psychology. We will post an application form on our website before May 1, 2015. Those who are selected will have at least a part of their registration fee or accommodation fee subsidized, so do not miss out.
What do EPs do in the EPP?
We are offering during- and after-congress programs.
- During-congress Program
- At ICP2016, each participant will present a paper in a symposium. We are also going to offer EPs seminars and meetings such as 'How to succeed in finding a job/obtaining a research grant/publishing a paper', 'Meeting with editors', 'Getting to know the various fields in which psychology is used', and so on.
We offer two events for students and early career psychologists. For more details, please visit Social Event and Workshop for Early Career Psychologists. - Post-congress Program
- After ICP2016, EPs are welcome to attend activities such as visits to universities/institutes in the vicinity and to interact with Japanese students. EPs are strongly encouraged to keep in touch with other EPs and mentors, which will help their career development.
How to apply to become an EPs
Please click Call for Applications