The Japanese Psychological Association
Greetings from the President

Following my appointment as the successor to the former President at the ad hoc board meeting on March 29, 2023 in the previous term, I was again officially appointed to the post of President as the result of the subsequent election and deliberation at the general meeting and the executive board meeting on June 24th. I would appreciate your understanding for my belated greetings and as always, ask for your continued support.
For the first time, we introduced online voting for the election of our representatives. It has produced a favorable result: a 5% increase in the voting rate and a 6% increase in the ratio of female representatives over the preceding year. Considering that the current ratio of female members is 49%, this figure still cannot be deemed as sufficient, but I believe that the gradual but steady increase from 18% in 2017, 23% in 2019, 29% in 2021, to 35% in 2023 shows that we are making reasonable progress. Female directors now have a majority on the board, which consists of four female and three male directors.
After holding the annual conventions in 2020 and 2021 online, we introduced a hybrid of in-person and online formats in 2022, considering the importance of meeting in-person. The annual convention held in Kobe in 2023 further increased the ratio of in-person formats. As the COVID pandemic subsided, we hosted an international symposium, inviting leading experts from the European, North American, Oceanian, and Asian psychology associations. Some of the programs were still provided online since we also unexpectedly learned the advantages of online access while observing the COVID restrictions. For instance, we started providing the foreign speakers’ lectures in English in an online on-demand format with Japanese subtitles in 2022. Thus, I believe that these lectures have been attended by a wider range of viewers.
I understand that the key word of what I mentioned above is “diversity,” such as diversity of gender, nations and regions, or in methods of communication. I consider that ensuring diversity is not a purpose in itself but that what we could achieve by ensuring diversity, e.g., exclusion of a sole winner or loser, breaking the shackles of a we-group and going outside, and expanded variation of methods for receiving and sharing information, has a profound significance.
I am determined to deem myself as “public good” for supporting the activities of the Japanese Psychological Association during my two years’ term of service. Again, I would sincerely appreciate for your generous understanding and assistance as always.
September 19, 2023
Tsuneyuki Abe, Ph.D.
President, Japanese Psychological Association
Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University