デスクリジェクションに関する手続きについて (Desk rejection procedure)
国内外からの心理学研究(心研)およびJapanese Psychological Research(JPR)への投稿件数増加に伴い,学術論文として査読手続きに進めることが不適切と思われる論文も増加している。このような状況に対応するために,通常の査読プロセスに進む前に不採択の判断を行う手続きを以下のように定める。
- 日本語版掲載日:2018年5月12日
- 英語版掲載日:2018年8月28日
Desk rejection procedure
As the number of submissions to Japanese Journal of Psychology and Japanese Psychological Research increases domestically and internationally, there are an increasing number of manuscripts that are inappropriate to send for peer review. To address this situation, the JPA set forth a procedure for rejecting these submissions before being advanced to the normal peer review process, as follows.
If revision becomes necessary, the Editorial Committee will make appropriate revisions as necessary.
If the Chief and Associate Editor of the Editorial Committee decides the submitted manuscript is not appropriate for publishing before requesting it be sent to the Editorial Committee member in charge, the manuscript can be rejected after consultation without going through the normal screening process (desk rejection). If the Editorial Committee member in charge makes a similar decision before selecting screeners, the member may propose a desk rejection to the Chief Editor of the Editorial Committee with specific reasoning. The Chief and Associate Editor of the Editorial Committee will decide after reaching a mutual agreement on whether to accept the proposal. The Executive Editor and the Editorial Committee member in charge may participate in this consultation.
- In Japanese: Published on May 12, 2018
- In English: Published on July 28, 2018