2023年刊行予定 Japanese Psychological Research 特集号 (Special Issues of JPR)
Call for Papers: Special issue of Japanese Psychological Research "Psychological Science of Interoception" Edited by Hideki Ohira and Keiko Ishii

- Title:
- "Psychological Science of Interoception"
- Editors:
- Hideki Ohira & Keiko Ishii
- Publication:
- JPR Vol.65,
No.3 (July, 2023)No.4 (October, 2023) - Deadline for abstract submission:
- February 28, 2022
- Deadline for full paper submission:
- July 31, 2022
- Submission:
- https://jpa.iap-jp.org/jpr/
Traditionally, interoception refers to the representation of the inner body, including processes by which an organism senses, interprets, and integrates signals from the body. Previous studies have shown the importance of interoception in emotions, decision-making, and mental health. Recently, the concept of interoception has been expanded to include the dynamic and mutual signaling processes between the brain and body to regulate homeostatic functions and to adjust adaptive behaviors. Computational models, such as predictive coding, have been applied to draw interoception mechanisms, and the anatomical and functional neural underpinnings of interoception have been explored. However, the impacts of recent developments in the understanding of interoception on psychological science are still not fully elucidated. This special issue aims to showcase recent empirical and theoretical advances in psychological research on interoception. We welcome not only basic studies using neuroimaging, psychophysiological, and psychophysical methods, but also studies examining the implications of interoception on social, cultural, and clinical domains. We also welcome meta-analyses and reviews that correspond with the aim of the topic.
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Please email an abstract (no more than 500 words) for your proposal to the editors of this special issue, Hideki Ohira (ohirahideki@gmail.com) and Keiko Ishii (ishiik@i.nagoya-u.ac.jp), by February 28, 2022. Authors who are invited to submit full manuscripts will be notified by March 31, 2022. Full manuscripts will be due by July 31, 2022. Full manuscripts will follow the journal’s author guidelines ( https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/page/journal/14685884/homepage/forauthors.html) and review process.