- 刊行物のご案内
- Japanese Psychological Research
- Special Issues
- Special Issues (JPR66-1)
2024年刊行予定 Japanese Psychological Research 特集号 (Special Issues of JPR)
Call for Papers: Special issue of Japanese Psychological Research "Motivation for the Future" Edited by Miki Toyama and Takashi Arai

- Title:
- "Motivation for the Future"
- Editors:
- Miki Toyama & Takashi Arai
- Publication:
- JPR Vol.66,
No.1 (January, 2024)No.2 (April, 2023) - Deadline for abstract submission:
- August 31, 2022
- Deadline for full paper submission:
- January 31, 2023
- Submission:
- https://jpa.iap-jp.org/jpr/
We often think about the future because we always live in the future. However, the future we imagine might not become a reality. What are the factors promoting the motivation to make our imagined futures real? These factors could include motivations for ideals, goals, acquisitions, transformations, growth, self-control, inheritance, and maintenance, among others. Do these motivations for the future give us what we desire? In the last few decades, research on motivation for the future has increased, and many theories (principles) have been proposed to improve people's motivation for the future. This special issue aims to introduce recent empirical and theoretical developments in psychological research on motivation for the future. In this special issue, we welcome not only empirical studies, but also various types of studies, including meta-analyses and reviews, on motivation for the future. We wish to promote the research on the motivation for the future by integrating and interpreting past research.
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Please email an abstract (no more than 500 words) for your proposal to the editors of this special issue, Miki Toyama (mtoyama@human.tsukuba.ac.jp) and Takashi Arai (t-arai@tohoku.ac.jp), by August 31, 2022. Authors who are invited to submit full manuscripts will be notified by September 30, 2022. Full manuscripts will be due by January 31, 2023. Full manuscripts will follow the journal’s author guidelines (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/page/journal/14685884/homepage/forauthors.html) and review process.