- 刊行物のご案内
- Japanese Psychological Research
- 2021年刊行予定 Japanese Psychological Research 特集号 (Special Issues of JPR)
2021年刊行予定 Japanese Psychological Research 特集号 (Special Issues of JPR)
"Narrative Based Research and Practice in Psychology" (心理学におけるナラティヴ実践研究)一般公募について

- テーマ:
- "Narrative Based Research and Practice in Psychology"
- (心理学におけるナラティヴ実践研究)
- 編集者:
- 森岡 正芳(立命館大学)
野村 晴夫(大阪大学) - 発行予定:
- Japanese Psychological Research, Vol.63,
No.2(2021年4月号)【No.3(2021年7月号)】 - 投稿締切:
2020年4月30日(木)【2020年6月30日(火)】- 投稿先:
- https://jpa.iap-jp.org/jpr/
この特集は,心理学におけるナラティヴ実践研究のすべてのタイプの研究を広く求めるものです。またナラティヴの視点に関わる方法論の体系的な展望や概説なども歓迎します。提出稿の締め切りは2021年の4月末 【6月末】です。
Call for Papers: Special issue of Japanese Psychological Research
"Narrative Based Research and Practice in Psychology" Edited by Masayoshi Morioka and Haruo Nomura

- Title:
- "Narrative Based Research and Practice in Psychology"
- Editors:
- Masayoshi Morioka & Haruo Nomura
- Publication:
- JPR Vol.63,
No.2 (April, 2021)[No.3 (July, 2021)] - Deadline:
April 30, 2020[June 30, 2020]- Submission:
- https://jpa.iap-jp.org/jpr/
The purpose of this issue is to investigate the narrative mode of thought within the context of psychological research and practice. Narratives are a form of language that communicates the meanings of personal experiences. They consist of personal events selected and authored through enplotment. Jerome Bruner introduced the concept of the narrative as a mode of psychology in contrast to the paradigmatic mode of scientific psychology. Since the early 1980s, psychology research using life stories and biographical methods, psychosocial support, and psychotherapy has spread to become universal and has deepened insights into culture-specific issues.
In the field of psychosocial support, the process of re-telling severe life events such as attachment loss, disease, disaster, and violence, can facilitate reconstruction of a person’s sense of self. This narrative practice can recover the sense of agency.
The act of story making, by reconnecting personal life events according to a personal plot, encourages people to share their experiences with others. Narration involves microprocesses socially constructed as both self-to-self and self-to-other dialogues. In other words, people examine the social context during the narration process. Recently, numbers of studies articulating the semiotic activity of the narration process using micro conversation analysis have increased.
Narrative based research is not exclusive to themes from clinical fields such as narrative medicine, psychosocial support, and psychotherapy. It also includes themes from life story research in the field of human development, retrospectives of elderly people, and from studies of identity formation, career development, and generativity. Furthermore, narrative based research includes qualitative psychological research conducted in various life situations, including layperson centered studies.
This special issue aims to publish a wide range of papers addressing any type of narrative based research and practice in psychology. Systematic or descriptive review articles regarding the direction or methodology of narrative-based psychology are also welcomed.
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