公益社団法人 日本心理学会


心理学ワールド 絞込み

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執筆・投稿の手びき 絞込み



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利益相反(Conflict of Interest)の開示について (Disclosure of conflicts of interest in our journals)

研究の成果の発表は,著者らの業績になるだけでなく,読者らに大きな影響を与える可能性があります。そのため,著者らは,研究の成果を発表する際には,その成果にバイアスがかかっているかを判断する材料となるよう利益相反(Conflict of Interest:COI)の開示が求められます。



本学会の機関誌,心理学研究およびJapanese Psychological Researchにおいても,昨今の研究倫理を鑑み,投稿時に,利益相反(Conflict of Interest:COI)についての記述を必ず表記するよう,投稿者に求めることとなりました。以下,具体的な例を示します。


  1. 1. 利益相反がない場合
    • ・なお,本論文に関して,開示すべき利益相反関連事項はない。
    • ・The authors declare no conflicts of interest associated with this manuscript.
    • ・The authors have no conflicts of interest directly relevant to the content of this article.

  3. 2. 開示すべき情報がある場合
    • ・第1著者は,「企業名」より,報酬を受理している。
    • ・本研究は,著者が所属する「企業名」の研究費で,実施された。
    • ・This study was funded by [企業名].
    • ・XXX, YYY, and ZZZ [該当する著者名] received honorarium from [企業名].
    • AAA, BBB, and CCC [該当する著者名] are employees of [企業名].


なお,現時点(2018年4月)では,開示すべき利益相反があったとしても,それが投稿の妨げとなることはございません。 記載例は以下を参考にしております。

Medical Translation Service (2013). COIの書き方 Retrieved from (2017年5月10日)


Disclosure of conflicts of interest in our journals

Presentation of research achievement not only becomes the author's academic achievement but also could influence readers significantly. Therefore, authors are expected to disclose any conflicts of interest (COI) to provide information for helping them decide whether the achievement is biased.

For more details.


Presentation of research achievement not only becomes the author's academic achievement but also could influence readers significantly. Therefore, authors are expected to disclose any conflicts of interest (COI) to provide information for helping them decide whether the achievement is biased.


  1. 1. When there is no COI
    • * The authors have no COI to disclose.
    • * The authors declare no conflicts of interest associated with this manuscript.
    • * The authors have no conflicts of interest directly relevant to the content of this article.

  3. 2. When there is information that needs to be disclosed
    • * The primary author receives compensation from [company name]
    • * This research was conducted with a research fund from [company name], which the author belongs to.
    • * This study was funded by [company name].
    • * XXX, YYY, and ZZZ [authors concerned] received honorarium from [company name].
    • AAA, BBB, and CCC [authors concerned] are employees of [company name].


Even though there is a COI to disclose as of April 2018, this will not prevent the submission from proceeding.

Medical Translation Service (2013). How to declare COI Retrieved from (May 10, 2017) (In Japanese)